Halloween Lesson Week!

Halloween Lesson Week!

先週はHalloween lesson week! 幼稚園児はコウモリのバッグを作りました。 ここにBingoのお菓子を入れて皆さんニコニコでした🤩 小学生のクラスではSpider web。 Bingoはどのクラスでも大盛り上がりです。 無料の体験レッスンはお問い合わせページから。  ...

Picture of the Week: Horse-drawn Sleigh

Do you know the song “Jingle Bells”? The bells are on the harness of a horse pulling a sleigh like this. This sleigh is pulled by two horses, but the sleigh in the song is a “one-horse open sleigh”.  ...

Picture of the Week: Camellia

The camellia is a flower from Asia. You shouldn’t give camellias to people recovering in the hospital. It’s easy for the whole flower to fall off, which isn’t a good image for recovery.  ...