july3newsletterpic_GT_010715Songs are great learning tools, but not the only ones! This week’s video is a short story about Kinka and Pinka in the garden.


Classroom Tip
This Storytime is used first to introduce language in Unit 2. Before playing the audio version on the CD, have students watch the video. Then, do as usual, playing the CD and pointing out the important vocabulary. In the following lessons, either play the video only or the CD only; after, ask students to point to things or say what objects they know.


At Home Tip
After playing the Hello Song, open the Happy Valley Student Book 1 to page 8. Watch the video and then point to the objects they saw. Say the words and colors. While your child may not be able to say them at first, after a few times, they will be able to identify the objects. Turn to the next page and point to the same objects. Then, do the homework.



Please add your comments – What do you do? How did you find these tips? We’d love to see YOUR videos.
ご意見をお聞かせ下さい! どの様にこの動画を活用しましたか? ヒントは役に立ちましたか?あなたの動画を是非見てみたいです。

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See you soon! またね!

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